Let’s work together to design your best life.

Is it time to make a change in your life and reawaken to all that you are?
You can create the life you desire filled with greater purpose, inner peace and freedom.
I can help you through the journeying process.


Dream it.

How do you want to improve your life? Who do you want to become? For many of us, these questions have been top of mind due to the challenging times around us. We may feel stuck on what has become the treadmill of life and feel as though our inspiration and purpose has been lost. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We can design a life that lights us up and is in alignment with who we truly are.

Do you have an idea that whispers to you or a change you long to make? Whatever it is, it’s coming up for a reason.

Why not dream it into being?


Once you’re inspiration has knocked on the door so many times you can’t ignore it anymore, or you’ve been squeezed by your life experiences so much that you know something must change, it’s time to go beyond imagining and actually design a plan forward.

I can help you navigate that new terrain because I’ve experienced it in my own life. I’ve had to tap into the skills I learned early on in my career as a designer. I’ve designed my way through business and personal challenges, designed with strategy, words and visuals and designed beautiful spaces. Most of all, I’ve designed a life that feels free and is aligned to who I am.

I’d love to help you design your best life and breakthrough whatever holds you back. And where we begin may surprise you.

LIVE it.

When you dig deep to understand your dreams and the life you were meant to live, and have designed a plan to get there, you’re not done. It will require some transitions.

The biggest lesson I learned is that all the doing and striving we learned is necessary to become successful, may not lead you to your goal. That’s when you may ask yourself, is this all there is? It will require another experience in addition to doing⁠—being.

To live an inspired, aligned life that feels true to you, some shifts will need to take place and outdated beliefs crushed.

You can lean on me as you breakthrough challenges that are part of the transitional, transformative process.